Shanna Compton


Service interruption

Hopefully this will be seamless, but this is the weekend I am changing servers and having the domain (and blogs) pointed to the new servers.

So if you drop by and find me missing, it's temporary.

Also, the old email addresses (earthlink) will no longer work after May 1. Reach me here or on FB.




 Just trying not to sound too much like Rush lyrics.

Pardon the mess

Hi. Is this thing on?

I'm temporarily parking all posts over here, while I redesign my site. This may take a while, and things may look a little weird during this reconstruction, and functions like commenting may go wonky at times.

New content (if any) will appear here only.

I am still posting daily poems for NaPoWriMo at the Bloof blog. (And those will disappear come May, for a session with the revising machine.)